Wednesday, December 7, 2011

oh christmas tree. part {1}

on sunday my roommates and i hitched a ride with my sister and brother-in-law to go get our christmas on and cut down a tree. our destination was a tree farm located in the beautiful san juan capistrano. unfortunately it wasn't the rural, charming little tree farm we had pictured... it was located on the side of the freeway. enough said. however, we did find the perfect douglas fir. it makes our little home seem so much cozier and festive! 

step {1} in the home makeover leading up to our christmas party i've entitled the holly jolly christmas bash- complete!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I remember cutting down our first Christmas tree. I love the star! It's hard to believe that last year at this time you were working hard on your portfolio presentation and getting ready to graduate!
